Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fake Out Banana Frozen Yogurt

I found a really weird but healthy recipe on exerciseTV last week and I finally tried it out last night. It looks like ice cream right?

You might be surprised it's only 2 frozen bananas that I thawed for 5 minutes and broke into chunks and thrown into my mixer for 3 minutes...It tastes like banana frozen yogurt and it's really good! I shared this bowl with Emma and of course she wanted some chocolate in it, so I started shaving 3 squares of a Hershey's bar (and then it started melting in my hand so I just threw them in there) to give it some chocolate flavor without eating a whole lot of chocolate calories.

This is perfect if you have bananas that are going to go bad (like I did). Just unpeel them and drop them into a freezer bag and store them in your freezer. It's also perfect when you're craving ice cream or any other high in calorie delicious frozen treat :) A couple of bananas beats a bowl full of ice cream any day.

Give this one a try...if you want to be adventurous you could add all kinds of crazy things to your bananas like:

  • Peanut butter

  • Fudge sauce

  • Yogurt

  • Chocolate

  • Frozen berries

Hope you love it!


  1. That sounds amazing! I'd maybe add some berries.

  2. You really can't screw it up, kinda like a smoothie. My mom and I were talking about this today. She said she would try hers with some added yougurt and honey.
