After asking what was all in this yummy little piece of Heaven, I attempted to recreate it at home. All you need is some pineapple juice, sweet and sour mix, peach schnapps, and some champagne (we brought ours back from Jamaica).
I've never been one to measure out my alcohol, I always go by taste. The trick is to make it not taste like alcohol! This is how I made mine: In a big 'ol wine glass pour in some peach schnapps (I say a shot worth maybe two) and then a shot or two of pineapple juice, a splash of sweet and sour, and then a shot or two of champagne. Stir it all up and enjoy. If it tastes too much of one ingredient...add some more of another. This drink is so refreshing and yummy, it's almost like you're drinking your juice for breakfast :)
This picture was taken in the morning after our drinks (Nathan let his go to waste, but it gave me a photo op) and you can see where the pineapple juice has settled. This reminds me, don't forget to shake your can of pineapple juice!
Another delicious drink we had in Jamaica is called a Shark Bite...okay okay it's a shot. Being a girl who does not do shots, and being able to do 4 of these in a row is a big deal. They're delicious and sooo pretty. I tried to make my at home version with my friends for Girl's Night, but they kept coming out green instead of blue so I'm going to have to work on it some more before I get it just right. Once I do, I'll be sure to share with you!
Sounds yummy~ thanks for sharing