Looks like a tuna salad sandwich, huh? It's not!
It's called Vegetarian Sandwich Filling, and it was surprisingly freaking awesome!
All you need is a can of chickpeas drained and rinsed, mash them with a fork. Add some chopped onion and celery, a dash or two of hot sauce, a squirt of lemon juice and a couple shakes of salt and pepper, and a few spoonfuls of mayo to the chickpeas; give it a stir and you have yourself a yummy filling for sandwiches or a good dip for chips and veggies.
This recipe makes 3 overly stuffed sandwiches! Try it, you'll be glad you did! Replace your usual tuna salad sandwich with this one and you'll never have to have your kitchen smell like dead fish again :)
In a bowl, mix together cocoa, white sugar, and vegetable oil. Beat in eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Combine the flour, baking powder, and salt; stir into the cocoa mixture. Cover dough, and chill in the freezer for 45 minutes (or in fridge for 4 hours).
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease your cookie sheets. Roll dough into one inch balls, coat each ball in the powdered sugar before placing onto prepared cookie sheets.
Bake in oven for 10-12 minutes.
I thought these were really good. I think I baked mine 2 minutes too long (I like more of a soft cookie instead of crisp cookie, although these weren't crisp). They had a nice fudge taste to them too. I'll be baking more of these in the future! Another nice thing about these cookies...very few dishes!
What's your favorite cookie to bake?
Here are my results just 3 days into my new way of thinking.
Not bad right?
How am I introducing positive thinking in my life? Well, I've been reading a daily devotion and the book "The Power of a Positive Mom" (it's a weekly devotional) and that's helping me start my day with being more positive and setting the mood for the rest of the day. I then do my usual workout (Leslie Sansone DVD) and then it's off to take a shower. Maybe I'm just weird, but after I get out of the shower I always examine my body. Up until Sunday I was being negative telling myself I'm fat or jiggling my arms or counting all the freaking zits on my face and then feeling ugly. Not anymore, I tell myself I look good and then focus on the parts of my body I like and then somehow (maybe magic, I don't know) I end up liking everything about me. I put makeup on and actual clothes (no old, holy sweats) and feel like a thriving person.
You are your worst enemy, so let's stomp that Debbie Downer in all of us and replace her with Peppy Penelope!
Preheat oven to whatever temperature the crescent roll package tells you (usually 375). On a cookie sheet, unroll the crescent rolls into 4 rectangles. Press together the seams. On one half put a spoonful of pizza sauce, pizza topping, and mozzarella cheese then fold over. Take a fork and squish down all sides of your pizza pocket. Cook for 10-15 minutes.
You really can't mess this up. Sometimes I jazz mine up and add pizza seasoning, mushrooms, green peppers and diced tomatoes. Just remember not to pile on the ingredients too high because it's going to be a pain in the butt to fold over and not have everything spew out.
For easy clean up, I line my cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray it with some non-stick cooking spray.
Like I said, not gourmet...
But if you're pinching pennies and need to feed your family, give these a try.
My number 1 biggest fear! Do I even need to explain...
Nathan's first deployment, I was a mess. I didn't know what to expect, I only got a phone call once every few weeks, and to top it all off I was pregnant. I was deathly afraid of answering the door when an unexpected visitor would ring the door bell. I always thought it would be 2 men in uniform informing me of my husband's death. I was also scared of phone numbers that I didn't recognize for the same reason I just mentioned.
Nathan has deployed 2 more times since then but my fear wasn't there any longer. I knew what to expect, we talked daily on yahoo, and he was in a fairly safe area compared to where he first visited.
Nathan will be deploying again (no I can't mention when) and this time I'm scared. I always say that I would much rather know the day before he has to leave for overseas, that way I don't have to think and worry about any and everything! But then again, if I only had 1 day to prep for everything would I really be sane???? Probably not.
I wonder how many of my friends out there has planned their husbands funeral...just in case, or said their "hey see ya laters" (you never say goodbye) and knowing you won't see them for at least a year. It sucks! Okay, okay this is getting sad and demented...part of life though. On to the next fear.
Second biggest fear is someone taking Emma. This fear started once we moved to Fayetteville.
I'm scared that when I'm pumping gas someone will either a. shoot me or b. hit me and then steal the jeep with Emma inside.
Some burglar will break into our house and either hurt her or kidnap her.
You know how you're suppose to go over the "fire drill plan" with your family. Well we go over "What to do when a bad guy breaks into our house " plan. That combined with taekwondo and guns makes us all feel a tad bit safer.
On to the third fear...
Me becoming fat!
I know it's very vain and stupid but I can't help it. I weigh myself daily (okay multiple times a day) and the number on the scale determines my mood for the day. It's sad and pathetic but I do NOT want to look like this lady. At first glance, I couldn't tell if that was the front or back of her body (it's the front btw).
Why is it sooo hard to be fit? I love eating but I know if I eat too much I will look like this picture but sometimes I just can't put the cookies down! Self-control...maybe I should work on that. And the exercising, I like to workout but sometimes I don't feel like getting sweaty and stinky and sore. Maybe I should work on not making excuses too!
What are some of your biggest fears?