I'm such a momma's girl, it's not even funny. Since moving out of the house in college, I call my mom about any and everything. Seriously, I call about EVERYTHING...things like, "Umm, mom do you think I should buy a new couch or not?" or "Hey mom, remember those rolls you made us when I was 10...do you remember the recipe?" It's funny because growing up I was always scared to death of my mom. I was afraid to tell her I was dating a boy or to ask if a friend could spend the night or to tell her I was going to be late and miss my curfew by 30 minutes. Weird how growing up I was fine not getting to talk to my mom but now that I'm older I wish I could help her cook dinner and talk about our days.
So back to becoming more like my mom...the other day I went into TJ MAXX to use up this gift card I had. I really wanted to find something for the home, but they didn't have anything in my price range that I wanted so I went to look at purses. I'm usually drawn to the weird, super colorful, crazy purses but this time I was drawn to a grayish purse. It was so soft and fit great on my arm so I bought it! I immediately took everything out of my old purse and stuffed it into my awesome new purse and continued to Hobby Lobby. When I got to Hobby Lobby, I stuck my purse into the seat of the cart...that's when it hit me. I looked at it and instantly thought of my mom. Trust me, I've seen her purses while out shopping and mine looked identical to hers...I always made fun of my mom's purses, they were no fun! Look at me now, I have my mother's style.
Growing up, mom and dad always made us do things for them...I know, I know awful parents right?! One thing that my brothers and I complained about was always getting them diet cokes after dinner. We told them that we weren't their slaves, that they could go do it because the fridge was seriously ten steps away, but we always did it for them (we didn't want to face what would happen if we didn't do what they said). My brothers and I joked about that when we have kids, we couldn't wait until the day we can make them do things for us...and then the other night I'm lounging on the couch after dinner and ask Emma to go get me something (I think it was a pen) and she turns around to look at me and says, "You always make me do things for you" and I say, "That's why I had kids."
I catch myself a lot saying things my mom says, decorating the house like her, and even buying the same workout DVD's as her. I am becoming more like her and I think I'm okay with that.