Sunday, October 24, 2010
My Love/Hates
1. Makeup. I hate the way makeup feels on my face. I hate how you never really know if it's going to look good on you before you buy it (unless of course you try it on before you buy it but you don't get that option at a drug store or wal-mart/target). I hate when you walk into a department store, the scary ladies that work at the makeup counters try to give you make overs but they look like hookers on a Sunday morning. BUUUTTT, I like how it hides my acne and the dark circles around my eyes. It just makes me look better but it's such a pain in the butt!
2. Shopping for clothes (bathing suits and bras). Why is it so hard to find a pair of jeans/pants that fit? A size 8 in one store doesn't fit the same way as a size 8 in a different store. I hate that you have to try on 50 pairs to find 1 pair that fits right. Same with shirts...I can wear a size small-xlarge depending on what store it is. Isnt that messed up? Trying to find a bra is impossible! I try on hundreds of bras in different stores to find 1 old lady looking bra because my boobs aren't popping out of it and lace isn't itching the crap out of me! Same with bathing suits...I hate how they think if you have big boobs...that your butt will be big. Unfortunately, clothes shopping is something we all have to do because we can't walk around naked all the time.
3. Tanning. I hate the smell of the tanning lotion. I hate when you hop into a tanning bed it's freezing cold and then in 4 minutes you're sweating to death. The most unenjoyable part is when you do begin to sweat, the lotion starts leaking out of your pores and then you slide around the tanning bed. It's just disgusting. Oh, don't forget that you end up smelling like burnt meat...yum! But I do enjoy not being pasty white...maybe I should start tanning again.
4. Perfume. I love perfume! I love that it makes me smell good and it just makes me happy when I spray it on...with that being said, I hate when you buy a new bottle of perfume and you have to use up your old bottle first. I swear the old bottle because this never-ending spray and it's irritating because you really want to switch scents!
5. Sweets. I hate the everything yummy and delicious has so much fat and calories in it that in turn causes me to gain weight!
6. Coupons. Don't get me wrong, I love saving money and getting a deal! Some coupons lie to us! I recently clipped one for batteries...if you buy 2 you save a $1.00 or something along those lines. When I went to pick up my 2 packages of batteries...even with the coupon I would have been spending 40 cents more over buying the bigger package of batteries. LAME! I enjoy 50% off coupons!
7. Flu Shots. I think flu shots are the devil! Yes, please inject my body with a virus so I can get sick...and then probably get sick again. No thanks! (I say this now because I've never had the bad flu that this shot prevents...knock on wood). I think working at schools and with a bunch of kids gives my immune system the boost it needs to ward off evil viruses. I'm sure some shots are important though.
8. Insects. They gross me out! They're so nasty looking and when you kill them they make a nasty crunching sound. I hate that they can fly and crawl and walk on ceilings...yuck! there anything good about insects...I'm sure they do something important for the earth.
9. Moving. Moving just sucks! The packing, the loading, the unloading, and then unpacking. It's time consuming and miserable and you will find that you have tons of crap that you don't know what to do with, but don't want to throw away. Let's not forget moving involves leaving jobs and friends and everything that you once knew. The plus of moving is that you get to live in a new house, a new location, and meet new people and do different things.
And now I'm suddenly hungry so I'm going to stop with my list and go eat...probably something that tastes really good but horrible for me ;)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Ravioli Bake
Since I'm the one that does all the cooking, I'm trying to please everyone. Well, the other night we were all starving and I didn't thaw out any dead animals for Nathan to eat so I ended up trying a new recipe from the Kraft magazine called Food & Family. It's called Ravioli Bake and it's supper yummy for vegetarians and meat eaters! Sorry I have no pictures of this, we were starving and ate it all! ***UPDATE***I made this again and remembered to take a picture of it before we all ate it!
Ravioli Bake
- 1 jar of spaghetti sauce
- 1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes, undrained
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 pkg. (1 lb each) frozen cheese ravioli
- 1 pkg (7oz) Shredded Italian Cheese Blend
- 2 TBS Parmesan cheese
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Mix spaghetti sauce, tomatoes and water; spoon 1 cup onto bottom of 13x9 inch baking dish. Layer half the ravioli and 1 cup shredded cheese over sauce mixture. Top with remaining ravioli and sauce mixture. Sprinkle with remaining shredded cheese; cover. Bake for 30 minutes; uncover and bake 15 minutes more. Remove from oven and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and let stand for 10 minutes.
***TIP***Feel free to add in other veggies, I threw in some sliced mushrooms. If you like eggplant that would be a good addition, although I think it tastes pretty gross. Don't be afraid to add in some seasonings either. I added salt, pepper, oregano, basil; things that I add in my spaghetti sauce.
This recipe is easy to make, easy to clean up, and tastes amazing. Pair it with a salad and some garlic toast and you're a domestic goddess!
Making Friends

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Moving = Spending $$$$$
What did we spend money on?
Well, our packers/movers did an excellent job and only damaged one thing...our TV stand. It was a Better Home & Garden TV stand, made from cheap particle board purchased at Wal-Mart a year and a half ago. The top part where the TV goes was broken off. The mover assured us that we can, "just put some of that umm wood glue and it'll fix it right up". Seriously, you want us to put our flat screen on something being held together by wood glue. No thanks. Unfortunately since it was made out of particle board, they're not liable for it (yeah I had to sign a waiver).
Nathan and I plan on moving again (it's what we do, thank you Army) and instead of having broken TV stands all the time, we thought we would purchase a real stand from a real furniture store (yeah, if the movers break this one, they're liable for it). These can get pricey! So we just blew $500 on a beautiful TV credenza (we didn't purchase the fancy hutch that goes on top). So now I feel all this guilt because it was a lot of money.
Another big purchase was Emma's bed. Before we moved we sold her 4-in-1 crib. We went back and forth on buying her a twin, bunk beds, or a queen (for guests to sleep on when they visit). Finally my sad attempt at being a thrifty shopper settled on a twin with just the mattress, box springs, and frame. No need for a headboard/footboard. We jazzed it up with a canopy, that she loves! Although we saved a few hundred on not buying a headboard/footboard, we still spent a lot of money on the bed and sheets and comforter, etc. So now I feel guilty about that.
Another unnecessary purchase we just had to have was all the little pretty stuff for our fireplace. Okay it's not little it's massive candle holders, and a big globe and other worldly looking things. We spent a little over $100 (and yes I even had a coupon) at Hobby Lobby just on fireplace things. Unnecessary, yes...ties the room together heck yes! Do I feel guilty...yes! We could have spent $100 on all the new food we had to buy.
So what am I suppose to do? How am I suppose to recover from a week of excessive spending? I guess I could stop feeling guilty and start being happy that the house is now becoming a home. Nathan and I need to sit down and go over all the money we've spent in the past few weeks (we drove a lot of miles and visited many places to eat). We need to get back on track with our budget and I need to get into a routine.
I think routines are important when it comes to saving money. One example is cooking dinner at a certain time, it insures that you'll eat at home and not spend money going out to eat. We've been working on the house and loosing track of time and before we know it, it's already 7:30pm. Should I cook or should we go out? Going out usually wins. I need to get back into my money saving routine, I miss it!
I would like to hear from you, you're feelings when you spend a large amount of money on certain items. Does it make you feel good, sick to your stomach, guilty, etc? Did you save money for it or was it an impulse buy? How do you get back on track after you spend, spend, spend?